Monday, March 17, 2008

Barack Obama

Concluding my "Presidential Hopefuls of 2008" series. For some reason I had a hard time drawing this one. Hillary was particularly (and peculiarly) easy, and McCain should've been a toughie, but I drew his sketch in about five minutes. Meanwhile, Obama took three tries. Ah well.

Next up--my "Presidential Hopefuls of 1952" series, featuring Dwight Eisenhower and Adlai Stevenson (no, not really).


Anonymous said...

I like this one better than the Hillary one, but perhaps it is because this one is much more flattering to the candidate. Hillary's was good but you gave the poor woman a very prominent double chin!

Dax said...

Yeah...I have to say, I was drawing from a fairly unflattering photo of her (though I became mesmerized by it nonetheless).

I actively sought out a less-flattering Obama one to balance the scales, but ended up kind of making him look like a saint. Perhaps this betrays some kind of bias on my part (or perhaps the editors' choices of photos of the candidates printed in magazines betrays a bias? Who knows?)

Crusty Hank VIII said...

Either way, i dig it.