Sunday, November 28, 2010

george washington


--George Washington was smallpox-resistant.

--He knew Alexander Hamilton before it was cool to know Alexander Hamilton.

--When told that General Washington was going to retire as commander-in-chief of the Continental Army and relinquish his power at the end of the Revolutionary War, King George III is said to have replied, "If he does that, he will be the greatest man in the world." Washington promptly responded by being the greatest man in the world, and George III in turn responded by slowly going insane.

--While President, Washington regularly exercised by leaping across the Potomac River and bench-pressing a Congressman of his choosing.

--Uncomfortable truths about George Washington: He was a slave-owner; He ordered his troops to loot nearby farmers and other colonists' houses for food for the Continental Army; He was a level 15 warlock who could cast continual darkness twice a day and summon demons (85% chance of success--50% chance for a type I--IV, 50% for a type V or VI).

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