Sunday, April 12, 2009

Dax's Dreamscape

Last night I had a dream that I had to walk through some European, Middle Ages-era town and sprinkle water on every person and animal I saw. I was holding a bucket of water--at least, I guess it was water--and by sprinkling some drops on each person/animal I would change them from evil to good.

When I got to the town square there was a big oak tree in the center...embedded in the trunk of the tree was a fuse box. I opened the door to the box...each fuse switch was labeled with a different sin...Envy, Pride, etc. I checked each switch to see if any had been tripped, but they hadn't.

Inside the box, below the switches, were two books--one was an old book that seemed to be about was in Latin, and full of lots of cool engravings. The other book was a biography of Dio, entitled--I think--"The Life and Times of Ronnie James Dio".

Then I woke up.


Anonymous said...

You sure it was a dream?


Vic Sage said...

It was a sign, lad. A calling from Dio himself!

du8 said...

Dream Evil....

Dax said...

Now, if Dio had sprung to life from the pages of his biography, complete with broadsword and shield, to duel against a demon from an engraving in the other book, well...

...that would've been too perfect, really.